Thursday, July 2, 2009

Teriyaki Turkey Stir Fry with Egg Noodles

I cannot remember if I mentioned that it was school holidays here at the moment... nearly one week down and one more to go! I had the first three days of the week off with the children whilst Noel has had today and will have tomorrow also. We will do the same next week. I must say that I am enjoying the fact that I am only working 2 1/2 days out of the normal week. LOL!!

As we do when either of us has the day off - the person at home cooks dinner. So it was Noel's turn tonight. As per usual his dinner was yummy and filling and went down a treat with the kids (always a good thing!)

We had some turkey breast strips in the freezer, that I had bought but to date had turned my nose up to.. only as I have never eaten turkey other than Roast Turkey with all the trimmings on Christmas Day!! Normally you would only ever see turkey in the supermarkets in December but recently there are quite a few turkey products available, such as drumsticks, stir fry strips and even turkey sausages. Funnily enough they are normally found next to the Kangaroo products! Anyway with Noel in charge, turkey was on the menu.

Teriyaki Turkey Stir Fry with Egg Noodles

Serves: 6
Points per serve: 6

500 grams turkey breast, sliced and cut in half
4 tablespoons teriyaki sauce
1 teaspoon garlic crushed
1 teaspoon ginger crushed
2 packets egg noodles (400g in total)
1 tablespoon oil
4 garlic cloves, peeled and finely sliced
1 carrot, peeled and sliced thinly
1 small head broccoli cut into small florets
4 shallots, cut into 2.5cm pieces
200 grams snow peas
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon chicken stock powder

In a bowl combine the turkey, teriyaki sauce, garlic and ginger. Mix well and allow to marinade for at least 30 minutes.

Cook noodles according to packet instructions, drain and set to the side.

Heat oil in a large wok over high heat. Add sliced garlic and stir fry for 1 minute. Add carrots and broccoli. Stirfry for another 2 minutes. Add turkey along with marinade and stir fry for 3 - 4 minutes until sealed and browned. Add shallots, snow peas and combined water and stock powder. Stirfry for another 2 minutes.

Place noodles on a platter and top with stir fry. Serve immediately.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway which ends Monday 6th July, 12pm EST, click here.


  1. Never had turkey in a stir fry before.. what a great idea.

  2. Your photos make this dish look absolutly incredible! Love the turkley in here :)

  3. I usually serve my stir frys on rice but seeing yours on noodles is going to make me change how I serve it.


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