Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1 year of food blogging ... WOW who would have thought?

I cannot believe that I have been blogging about food for 1 whole year..... I have to say that it has been a year that I have enjoyed very much. In the last year I have learnt a lot about food, techniques, ingredients, cuisines and my camera! Funny how that sounds but prior to trying to take the perfect food photo using the camera was hit and miss for me.

Now my kids have to wait to eat until I have finished photographing the food! And when I mean photographing the food it could be 20 to 30 shots just to make sure it's a good picture (and some still aren't). I am experimenting with light and I am now even the proud owner of a light box, that Noel made for me. I actually had to laugh the other day as upon dishing up a meal, my eldest, Oliver, said to me "well aren't you going to take a photo of this before we start?" LOL!!!

What can I say? This blog started out as a little hobby.. my little secret!!

I didn't tell anyone for fear that people would actually laugh at me (as I have a fear of failing). Of course Noel knew from the beginning. Seriously me taking photo's of everything we were eating was a dead giveaway that something was up!! Then I told my mam, my friend Sharon and my sister, Clare. After realising that it wasn't corny and receiving some good feedback I joined "The Foodie Blogroll" which put me and "A Dash Of Flavour" out into the world. Now I have told a few more of our friends and some work colleagues, however I am still a little selective about who knows.

Actually the thing that amazed me the most though is all the other foodies out there. There are so many of you, I read that many food blogs that one year ago I didn't even realised existed. Many I have had contact with via email and through our blogs and I appreciate you all taking the time to encourage and assist me (especially when asking for ingredient help). So to you all I extend my thanks!!

I have always had a pipe dream of writing my own cookbook and owning my own restaurant. In a sense I am living my dream..... I journal our cooking in this blog and after all, I am a chef in our kitchen!! LOL!!

Happy cooking,

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the year of blogging, it is an accomplishnment.


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