Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Acapulco Chicken

I have to confess that this is becoming a huge favourite amongst our family, even gets more votes than "Chicken in Pyjamas" (otherwise officially known as Chicken Parmigana) which is saying something in itself as that has long been a firm favourite.

I guess this recipe has somewhat of a mexican twist on the Chicken Parmigana using taco seasoning mixed with the tomato paste and a combination of vegetables and avocado before topping with cheese. The flavour is magnificent and once again this is another dish that is quick and easy to prepare and cook.

Confession time though.. as per usual I have adapted this recipe and not in a bad way, it's good trust me! I add extra vegetable quantity to the topping than what the recipe calls for. The reason I do this is to make it a meal in itself.... therefore I feel I do not need additional side serves of vegetables but have at times served it with a nice salad.

Acapulco Chicken
(recipe adapted from Symply To Good To Be True #4)

Serves: 4
Points per serves: 6.5

4 x chicken breasts fillets (125 grams each)
cooking spray
2 tablespoons taco seasoning
3 tablespoons tomato paste
1 onion, diced
1/4 teaspoon chilli powder (optional)
1 green capsicum, diced
2 tomatoes, diced
1 avocado, diced
1/2 cup reduced fat tasty cheese, grated

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celcius.

Place a chicken fillets between two sheets of baking paper. Using a mallet flatten chicken breast to an even thickness. Repeat with remaining fillets. Place on a lined baking tray that has been sprayed with cooking spray.

In a small bowl combine tomato paste and taco seasoning, mixing well. Spread an even amount on each chicken fillet.

In a medium bowl combine onion, capsicum, tomatoes and avocado. Mix gently to combine. Evenly distribute mixture on top of fillets. Sprinkle with chilli powder if using. Sprinkle with cheese.

Bake for 20 - 25 minutes or until chicken has cooked through and cheese has melted and browned.

The original recipe only calls for 1/2 cup of each diced onion, diced capsicum and diced tomatoes and 1/2 avocado. By following the original recipe this would only be 4 points per serve.

(click here for a printable version of this recipe)


  1. Love that there is avocado in this. It is so colorful.

  2. I think this sounds over the top wonderful.

  3. There used to be a restaurant in Dallas as I was growing up that served this dish, and I absolutely love it...note to self make this recipe because it looks fantastic!

    I have to go to the market though...

    How cute the chicken in pajamas, got a smile out of me and hubby!

  4. Thanks for posting this recipe, Jo. I have heard you refer to it a couple of times on the ww boards and always wondered as I don't own SGTBT book 5. I have purchased 3 of the books so far, but have only cooked the recipes you have trialled/recommended/adapted! Somehow I feel more confident with those recipes you have written about. Thanks for being out there trailblazing for us!

    I'm sure the carnivores in our family will love this as we are all avocado fans. I'm planning on cooking it ONE NIGHT this week--you know me and menu plans! Unfortunately I haven't managed to put Jacob off his vegetarianism, even when we cooked the vegetable and tofu patties from the ww site--which were revolting. He can have an omelet that night!

    Cheers, L

  5. Also delicious using pizza sauce combined with oregano and adding zucchini to the vegetables


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