Saturday, August 8, 2009

Roast Beef

I remember as a little girl every Sunday was traditionally "roast dinner" day and without fail I think my Mam cooked a roast every week, not just for my family but for the whole family. At times there could be 18 or more people sat around the table, ranging from aunties and uncles to close family friends.

Now I am grown up and have a family of my own, Sunday's roast dinner is not a 100% regular occurance at our house mainly due to social commitments but it is a tradition that I too want to set up so my children understand family values and have happy memories to look back on.

However, I do have a confession regarding tradition..... we cook most of our meats in the Weber. I cannot remember the last time we cooked a joint of meat in the oven. The Weber gives it such a magnificient flavour.

Anyway (another brag) tonight, Noel spoiled me by cooking a yummy roast beef as I spent all day up at the football club. It was such a nice surprise to come home to and I enjoyed every mouthful.

Roast Beef
(recipe courtesy of Noel)
Serves: 12
Points per serve: 3
2kg beef silverside
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
olive oil

Prepare Weber as per directions, ensuring that all heat beads are heated up (no black remaining).

On a tray, drizzle olive oil over the peice of beef, season generously with salt and pepper, rub in to ensure fully covered.

Place on Weber rack, cover and cook for 1 hour or until meat is cooked to your liking. Allow beef to rest before carving.

Alternatively preheat an oven to 180 degree Celcius. Season as above and place on a rack over an oven tray and cook for 1 1/2 hours or until meat is cooked to your liking.

1 comment:

  1. I almost, and I said almost purchased a roast last night...I have to make this soon; it has been a long while since I had this tasty recipe!


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