Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chicken with Spinach and Ricotta

I realise that it has been a few days between posts but after having such a big weekend and then worrying about Oliver as he has been sick, since Monday we have been waiting the results of a blood test checking for all the obvious. Thankfully today's doctor's appointment delivered good news with the fact he has just had a viral infection and not any of the bad things that have been floating around in my head! It's hard being a parent especially when something is wrong with your child... your heart breaks.

So I finally cooked a proper dinner and I have to say it was very nice. I love chicken and to have it filled is just heaven especially when the filling can practically be anything that you want. I had some low fat riccotta in the fridge and of course baby spinach leaves, which I do try and sneak into any meal. Knowing that both the kids like spinach and ricotta it was a natural choice for the filling.

Although an easy recipe, it was a little fiddly enclosing the filling in the chicken but with a little patience it was quite do-able. The filling was a nice clean flavour as I believe spinach and cheese compliment each other quite well. After eating both Noel and I suggested that sun-dried tomatoes would also be nice with the spinach and cheese, and would add another depth to the taste. Next time, for sure!

Chicken with Spinach and Ricotta

Serves: 4

Points per serve: 4
4 skinless chicken breast fillets
100 grams baby spinach leaves
8 tablespoons low fat riccotta
freshly ground black pepper
cooking spray

Cut a large pocket in each chicken fillet, be careful not to cut through either side of the chicken.

Place 1/4 of the spinach (25 grams) in each pocket and top with 2 tablespoons ricotta, ensuring both are firmly in the pocket. Season with salt and pepper.

Secure each pocket with tootpicks, forming a tight seal. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celcius.

Spray a large frying pan with cooking spray and heat. Cook chicken fillets for a few minutes each side until browned and sealed.

Place chicken on a lined baking tray and cook in the oven for 20 - 30 minutes or until cooked trough. Remove toothpicks prior to serving.

(click here for a printable version of this recipe)


  1. This chicken dish looks like a great idea for a weeknight meal. Thanks for sharing!

    Glad to hear that the little one is feeling better.

  2. Looks great! Sundried Tomatoes sound like a great addition but I wonder how many points they are? Probably not so bad if you make your own! Thanks for another great recipe.
    Glad to hear that your son's test came back o.k. It is hard being a mum sometimes isn't it!

  3. Looks delicious. Ricotta & spinach is classic Italian and a great idea for stuffing chicken.


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