Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Panaeng Chicken Curry and our 300th Post!!

Firstly I have to apologize for my obvious slack effort at posting of late... we have been cooking and I have been travelling a lot with work - needless to say the lack of time up my sleeve is being reflected here loud and clear!! This year, with my change of jobs, has seen increased travel and therefore eating at motel restaurants more than ever has had me thinking if I should add reviewing restaurants to this blog? Interesting question - tempting but not sure if I am ready to whip the camera out in a restaurant and photo what I have order just yet!!! Will ponder that thought a little further I think... lol!!!

Secondly the Weight Watchers programme that I follow has just changed to ProPoints. From here on in the recipes will reflect the ProPoints values. Please bear with me while I go back over all the other recipes and revalue the points values to suit the new programme. It will take me a little time - that I am sure of.

Thirdly even though I have managed to spasmodically blog what we have cooked this year I cannot believe that we have reached our 300th post. What started off as my little hobby (which I didn't even tell my hubby about until he asked why I was taking photo's of cooked food for?) has grown so much! I am amazed by how many people come to visit our site, follow us and receive emails of what we cooked... in fact we feel truly privileged that you spend time with us. We love your comments and hope that if you do try any of our recipes that you enjoy them just as we do. Thank you all so very much!!!

So now on to what happened in the kitchen tonight. Thai curries are a huge favourite with us all but I tend to stear clear of them considering coconut milk is so high in fat. I have in fact been fancying a thai curry for some time now especially Panaeng, which has just a beautiful flavour.

This curry was easy to make although a little time consuming getting the ingredients ready as I did decided to add a lot of vegetables to it to bulk it up. Served with steamed rice (which is included in the ProPoints value) it was an excellent meal.

And YES it cured my thai curry craving.... mmmmm!

Panaeng Chicken Curry

Serves: 6
ProPoints per serve: 9

1 cup dry basmatic rice
cooking spray
1 onion, sliced
2 carrots, peeled and sliced on diagonal
200 grams Panaeng Curry Paste (I used Valcom)
500 grams, lean chicken breast, sliced
1 red capsicum, deseeded and large diced
230 gram can bamboo shoots, drained and rinsed
230 gram can sliced water chestnuts, drained and rinsed
440 gram can baby corn spears, drained and rinsed
375ml can Light and Creamy Evaporated Milk Coconut flavoured
4 kaffir lime leaves, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 tablespoon white sugar
150 grams snow peas
150 grams bean sprouts

Cook rice according to packet instructions and set aside.

Spray a wok or large frying pan with cooking spray. Over a medium heat cook onions and carrots until tender. Remove to a plate.

To the same wok or frying pan add penaeng curry paste and stirfry for approximately 30 seconds or until fragrant. Increase heat to high. Add chicken and cook for a further 3 - 5 minutes, stirring, until chicken is sealed and coated in curry paste.

Return onions and carrots to the chicken along with the capsicum. Stirfry for a further 2 - 3 minutes.

Add bamboo shoots, water chestnuts and baby corn. Stirfry for a further 2 minutes.

Add evaporated milk, lime leaves, fish sauce, sugar, snow peas and bean sprouts. Continue to cook for a further 2 - 3 minutes but do not boil as the milk with curdle and separate.

Serve immediately with steamed rice.

(click here for a printable version of this recipe)

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