Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Yorkshire Puddings

YES I know... it's definitely time I posted our Yorkshire Pudding recipe!!

Many of you who know us are aware that the humble Yorkshire Pudding, while it is such a simple addition to a roast beef, would have to be one of our ALL TIME FAVOURITE FOODS to eat.  They have caused arguments, tears and smiles!!  Yes I am being very serious arguments have been born from the last one being eaten especially if it is going into to someone elses mouth.
Yorkshire Puddings are a savoury batter puff served traditonally with Roast Beef.  Some prefer to make it in a large pan and cut into pieces others used muffin tins.  The mixture can also be used to make Toad in the Hole, another dish that I am very fond of from my childhood days.

The second argument is who's pudding is better??  Yep you read correctly - who's is better!!  With both Noel and I being of British origin but obviously from two different countries there is a long standing arguements with some families - on the top of the list is Yorkshire Puddings and Mushy Peas.  Both mams make them differently and at times Noel and I have been able to achieve a happy medium between the two styles of cooking.  Being Welsh we grew up with a dense cake like pudding whereas Noel's English upbringing had him eating light and at times hollow centred pudding... either way they are good!!  Our House of Murray serves them light and airy and lots of them ......
The three key tricks to making these deliciously light and fluffy is:
  • have a very hot oven
  • ensure that the oil is sizzling hot

Yorkshire Puddings
Serves: 12
ProPoints per serve: 3 
285 ml skim milk
115 grams plain flour
3 eggs
pinch of salt
white pepper
4 tablespoons vegetable oil

Mix all the ingredients except the oil in a large bowl with an electric whisk or hand beater until all combine and mixture is light and fluffy.  Set aside in a cool area for 30 minutes before using the batter.
Preheat oven to 250 degrees Celsius.
Put 2 teaspoons oil in each well of a 12 capacity muffin tray.
Place in oven and heat until the oil is very hot.
Working quickly, open oven door and slid the tray out halway.  Carefully pour even amounts of mixture into the muffin holes. 
Close the door and cook for 15 - 20 minutes or until golden.  DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR.
Serve immediately with roast beef, vegetables and gravy.

(click here for a printable version of this recipe)

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