Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Broccoli and Bacon Carbonara

Everyone has that one go to dish, right?  You know that one dish that just comes together, is easy and plates up perfectly and more importantly everyone enjoys.  Hubby's dish that always works is Nice Chicken, my mam's is always Shepherd's Pie and mine is Maple Mustard Chicken however the kids will say that it's Pasta Carbonara and the only reason I say this is because everytime I ask them what they would like for dinner I get the same answer - Pasta Carbonara!

I have to be truthful - it's not my most favourite pasta dish.. I prefer tomato based sauces laced with chilli and bolder flavours to be perfectly truthful however when it comes to risottos - the creamier the better.  But that's another story....

Tonight I decided to try a recipe that both hubby and I thought would not only be different but full of nice flavours.  It's a total spin on Pasta Carbonara with a creamy broccoli and cheese sauce instead the normal Carbonara sauce (which is basically eggs, cheese and cream).  Crispy bacon batons and broccoli florets made for a visually pleasing dish also.

An easy dish to make and was on the table in just under 45 minutes I thought this would of been a hit.  Both hubby and I thought it was nice although we both added crushed chilli flakes to ours, one child thought it was "ok" but main Carbonara lover said it was horrible!  I'm actually thinking if I didn't call it Broccoli and Bacon Carbonara and just named it Broccoli and Bacon Pasta would there have been a different mind set??

Broccoli and Bacon Carbonara
(Recipe adapted from Taste.com.au)

Serves: 6
SmartPoints per serve: 15

500 grams gluten free pasta or pasta of your choice
2 large head broccoli, cut into florets
1 small garlic clove, chopped
70 grams Parmesan, finely grated
1 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
300 mls light thickened cream
4 eggs
cooking spray
300 grams short cut bacon, cut into batons
additional Parmesan to serve

Cook pasta in a saucepan of boiling water following packet directions until tender. Drain, reserving 2 tablespoons liquid. Return pasta and reserved liquid to pan.

Meanwhile bring a large saucepan of boiling salted water to the boil over high heat. Add broccoli. Simmer for 4 minutes or until tender crisp. Remove with a slotted spoon. Refresh under cold running water. Pat dry.

Process half of the broccoli, garlic, half the cheese and oil in a food processor until smooth. Season. 

Whisk cream, eggs and remaining cheese in a bowl.  Season with salt and pepper.

Meanwhile, spray a frying pan with cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Cook bacon, stirring, for 6 minutes or until golden. Drain on paper towel.

Stir broccoli mixture, extra broccoli florets and 3/4 of the bacon into pasta. Add cream mixture. Toss until well combined. 

Sprinkle with remaining bacon and extra cheese.

(Click here for a printable version of this recipe)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you posted this. I'd be honoured if you would share this with everyone over at Food on Friday: February. Cheers from Carole's Chatter


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