Sunday, April 1, 2018

Raspberry and Chocolate Croissant Pudding

When I decided to have the family over for Easter lunch I had already planned on using a frozen apple pie as dessert.  Upon removing from the freezer I realised that it had been crushed and was not looking to great to serve up to the family.  This now posed the question - what are we going to do for dessert?  What ever it was going to be I knew that it had to be quick and easy to prepare as time was ticking and our guests would be arriving soon.

Opening our freezer lid (we have an awesome Haier 519L chest freezer - a little overkill but it well used in our household) I immediately saw some croissants and thought I know I can do something with these!  Then I remembered a croissant pudding that I made many moons ago which went down a treat.

While this pudding is very similar to a bread and butter pudding - using same technique but I have to admit replacing the bread with croissants added a texture and sweeter taste to the dish than that of bread.  The custard was light and velvety which soaked beautifully into the delicate french pastries.  This all coupled with a scattering of raspberries and melted chocolate pieces was, to be honest, heavenly.

Not to mention, even with frozen croissants, it was prepared in 15 minutes and ready to put in the oven when required.  The original recipe called for white chocolate but a substitution was made due to not having that ingredient in the house.  I also added vanilla bean paste to the custard mixture to give it a little more decadence.

Served warm with ice cream and thick dollop cream (yes I know drool) this pudding got the tick of approval from all of the family... my father-in-law ate two serves even after admitting that he doesn't like bread and butter pudding.  Thumbs up I say.

Raspberry and Chocolate Croissant Pudding
(Recipe adapted from

Serves: 6 - 8

6 croissants
20 grams butter
1/4 cup raspberry jam
100 grams milk chocolate baking chips
100 grams frozen raspberries
8 eggs, lightly whisked
1 1/2 cups milk
3/4 cup thickened cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 cup caster sugar

Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius. 

Lightly grease an 8 cup capacity ovenproof dish.

Use a small serrated knife to split each croissant in half. Lightly spread the cut side of each croissant with a little butter. Spread the jam over the butter. Arrange the croissants, chocolate and raspberries in the prepared dish.

Whisk the egg, milk, cream, vanilla and sugar in a large jug until well combined. Pour the egg mixture evenly over the croissants. Set aside for 15 mins to soak.

Place the dish into a larger roasting pan and pour enough boiling water into the pan to come halfway up the sides of the dish. Bake for 35-40 mins or until custard is just set. 

Set aside for 10 mins to cool slightly before serving.

1 comment:

  1. I have made this and it was incredible. Great recipe Jo and thanks so much for sharing x


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