Friday, October 27, 2017

Chipotle Mayonnaise

Have you ever been addicted to something?  Well my kids have been addicted to Aioli ever since I can remember - they have it with chips, burgers, chicken, even bacon sandwiches that was until they found Chipotle Mayonnaise.  Now that is the new favourite.
As everyone knows we cook with a lot of herbs and spices so this new found love wasn't at all surprising.  What was more surprising when the kids read the weekly menu only to see that Friday night's menu plan was Homemade Hamburgers with Coleslaw and Chipotle Mayonnaise.  It was an awesome reaction and I knew that no shop purchased Chipotle Mayonnaise would cut the mustard, so to speak.
I had recently taken a trip to USA Foods, an American Food Store, in Moorabbin and during that visit purchased some Chipotle Chilli Powder along with some dried Chipotle Chillies so I was already in possession of the most important ingredient - now to work the rest of the ingredients out.  Of course my next step was Google and once again an overload of mayonnaise recipes presented themselves.  After reading quite a few, obviously every single one different with a different spin on this humble spicy mayonnaise, I decided to wing it and make up my own. 
Now some recipes called for the Adobo Chilli and it's sauce others used chilli and paprika powder.  Having no Adobo Chilli I of course had no other choice than using the powders.  So as you can imagine some recipes had similar ingredients so gathering a list of commonly used ones wasn't too hard and knowing the flavor I was actually trying to achieve made it easier.  I did not make my own mayonnaise but you can do it you wish.
Mixing each individual ingredient together I could only think to myself - Jo you cannot fail on this one... there will be a mutiny and it won't end well.  My teenagers have now become my harshest food critics and there is generally no forgiving for offering up something substandard. And I am being serious.
So here is my take on Chipotle Mayonnaise - a version that is somewhat smoky and creamy with the right amount of heat and kick to it.  You can taste the traces of lime and garlic making this mayonnaise perfectly balanced.  Best of all the flavours just kept developing while we were waiting for dinner.
The outcome..... I passed.  It was smothered all over the hamburgers tonight and I made enough that there is some left for lunch tomorrow.  I am presuming that sealed this will keep in the fridge for at least a week as there is no milk products as ingredients - who knows maybe even longer.  Saying this I know there won't be much left by tomorrow afternoon.
Chipotle Mayonnaise
Makes: approx. 1 cup
SmartPoints per 2 teaspoons: 2 
1 cup low fat mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon Chipotle Chilli powder
1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
juice of half fresh lime
1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper
1/4 teaspoon salt
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly.
Store in refrigerator in a sealed jar.

1 comment:

  1. These are delicious and adorable! I usually like to prepare , thanks for sharing.


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