Thursday, December 21, 2017

Christmas Madness and Flavour Generator

Well it's that special time of year again and also that busy busy time of the year! I have to say that I cannot actually remember a year so manic and overwhelming as 2017 has been for me and my family.

Job changes for 3 of us, year 11 for the baby of the family with all the stresses of exams, a new family member living with us - who we all adore (our son's girlfriend) and many special birthday's in the family unit. We have had Grandma's 70th, an uncle's 50th and hosting a special 21st birthday.

During all of this I have found myself so time poor that I haven't even thought about blogging even though we have been cooking and I have been taking photo's just incase I get time to do a quick post. But sadly that hasn't happened!!

Out of the blue I was unexpectedly contacted regarding a new cooking website, Flavour Generator, which I have to say is great. It was perfect timing for me to... feeling down due to not experimenting with cooking as I usually did (yes I have been cooking things I know are quick, easy and at times boring!).

Given the opportunity I tried a Hello Fresh Box for myself. I have to say I am quite a proud menu planner and shopper but have to say I had not even contemplated using such a service of pre-planned and packed meals to save me the time and effort.

The Hello Fresh box arrived and I was so excited. Opening the box was just like it was already Christmas. 5 meals already weighed out, packed together, colour coded with specific recipe cards - it was like it was already Christmas.

HOWEVER!!!!  The best thing of all is this new website Flavour Generator.  Its fantastic.  Firstly you choose what type of food you would like to cook - the choices are Asian, Mediterranean, Mexican, Middle Eastern, Modoz.  Then you choose the flavour from these options Spicy, Sweet, Tangy, Herby and I've never tried.  

Press the Generate My Flavour button and voila - you get recipe options....

It's really exciting to press the Generate My Flavour Button and see what could be what you are cooking for dinner that night...   I absolutely love this new website and I am sure that you will to.  Give it a go!

Now I doubt I will post again this side of Christmas so I will leave you with our favourite Christmas and Festive Season recipes of all time....

From my family to yours
Merry Christmas.

Thank you for all your support
May your New Year be safe
2018 be absolutely delicious

adashofflavour xxxx

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